Altug Yucekul

Altug Yucekul

Associated Coordinator

Acibadem University Maslak Hospital

Acibadem University Maslak Hospital
Büyükdere cad. 40
344457 - Istambul


Spine Surgeon, MD


Altug Yucekul MD is a spine surgeon treating both adult and pediatric spinal disorders. He obtained his medical degree in 2010 at Hacettepe University in Ankara, where he also completed his residency in 2017 at Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology. He had one of his internships at Cognitive Evolution Lab in Harvard University, USA. During his residency training he spent a year in San Francisco, at UCSF Spine Department, for an observership.

After completing his Obligatory Medical Civil Service, he started a spine fellowship prograam at Acibadem University Maslak Hospital, Comprehensive Spine Center. After finishing the fellowship, he has joined Dr. Ahmet Alanay’s team and since then, he works with him as a spine surgeon and takes part actively in spine related conferences and symposiums with various abstracts, posters and presentations.